
Callbacks can be used to do specific actions on your database when for example an entry is approved or rejected.

To configure callbacks you go to Widget settings > Advanced. There you’ll find an input box Queue callback URL. Fill in a URL on which you want to received the callbacks. The callbacks are sent using a POST method.

Below is a list of callbacks that are fired by BuboBox

IMPORTANT: We work with a queue system to trigger the callbacks so keep in mind that it sometimes can take a couple of minutes before you’ll received the callback.

Action Description
entry When a new entry is submitted.
entry_ready When all formats are converted and ready to be used for an entry.
approve_entry_accept When approval flow is enabled and an entry is accepted.
approve_entry_reject When approval flow is enabled and an entry is rejected.

Below is a table of POST variables that are sent with every callback

Variables Description
action Callback action, see the list above for more information
entry_id Entry ID
widget_id Widget ID
uuid Unique ID of the entry
type Type of the entry. For example: video, image, audio, …

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